The first, and most obvious, is to make money. Most of us work for a certain amount of time or do certain things in exchange for money. We do this so we can have the resources to care for our families, so our kids can eat and have clothes and so we can afford to buy things we need and things we want.
Throughout my career, I've wrongly de-emphasized this reason to work. I've always thought that you should have higher, more noble reasons to work. While there are other reasons, I now see that money can be used for good. It's not the root of all evil that some people make it out to be. Yes, it is said that the "love of money," is the root of all evil, but it's not evil to use money as a means to accomplish good.
The second reason to work is self-fulfillment. We work because of our need to be somebody. We find our sense of being in what we do.
The third reason to work is to help other people. We work to make the world a better place.
The best profession is one which accomplishes all three. We help other people; find our place of service and make money necessary to survive and to accomplish good.
The best profession is one which accomplishes all three. We help other people; find our place of service and make money necessary to survive and to accomplish good.
When all three of these are accomplished I think we've found our calling. Unfortunately, it's not easy to find that type of fulfillment in a typical job. Too often we end up mindlessly doing some tasks over and over again with little personal growth. We become stagnant.
That's why I believe a home-based business is the best way to find fulfillment in life.
If you have a home-based business or have thought about starting one, you'll be interested in an e-book that will save you years of failure and frustration. Read about it at this web site.
1 comment:
According to your three reasons to work, I find fulfillment in making people happy by decorating beautiful cakes for them, drawing portraits for them, and singing for them, adding beauty and art to their lives. These are some of my ways of helping people. I agree that money can be a tool to do a lot of good, and a job does not provide as much as a business potentially can.
I know a lot of people who would want to start their own business because of these three reasons you give: wanting more time to do what they really find fulfillment in doing, wanting more money to provide for their goals, and wanting to help a lot more people than they now are able to help because of time and money constraints. I agree that a business or a job should be able to provide all three, and not all of them do. I think a lot of people just feel stuck and do not know the way out.
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